Saturday, July 11, 2009

sun's out! time to go.

2nd cloudiest June on record, indeed. Time to leave June behind and set out for some fun (and sun! finally!) filled adventures during the month of July.

Our first stop this month was a quick trip back to the Pioneer Valley to see some intrepid travelers, long-lost friends now living in a strange place i've heard is called...Virginia? does. not. compute. Ah, well. We'll get Meg and Ben back in the northeast sometime :)

To begin the day, we met up at one of my favorite pioneer valley haunts for summer beverages and snacks, enjoying the sunshine and the relative lack of students (thank you, summer!) in an area that makes its living catering to the 18-22 year old set. On a whim, we set out for the Mount Sugarloaf state reservation in Sunderland. I think you'll agree the view is pretty spectacular:

Although I think we can all agree that beautiful views and sunny weather are best enjoyed with a parasol, preferably a pretty red one:

Sadly, however, four old friends can't be expected to merely gaze at the beautiful vista in appreciative silence. Nope, when four old friends get together, it's a safe bet that trouble will ensue. To wit:

-Ben and I continue with an old argument. Started in December, continues to July. Sorry, Ben, you're just not winning this one. (What was it we were arguing about again?)

"Fighting" quickly gave way to - what else? - robot dancing!

- Fun with viewfinders ensued. I swear, the base of the viewfinder instructed me very clearly to "step up." So I did. Here, I appear to be serenading Ben. More likely I think I was trying to avoid falling off the viewfinder. Those things are rickety!

Seems someone else couldn't resist getting in on the viewfinder action:

What you can't tell from this picture, however, is that Ben shook the viewfinder with such vigor that Meg quickly shooed him down and send him toward the car. To erase these painful memories of rabblerousing, I'll leave you with a more placid picture of "proper" vista viewing, courtesy of Meg and Caro:

Ah, yes. All is well, except if possible we miss dear friends even more.

Next up: Wedding fun on Long Island, and a quick road trip to the midwest. Stay tuned!